2015 Undergraduate Scholarship Award Winner: Folded Duality, Bryan Asson, Morgan State University School of Architecture + Planning
Click here to enter a project to the 2016 FAR Scholarship Awards!
The Program
The Baltimore Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the Future Architects Resources (FAR) Committee have created a Scholarship Program for students pursuing careers in Architecture.
The scholarship is based on Design Excellence reflecting innovation, social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and critical thinking. Submissions can be a single project, multiple projects or a research/theory paper (graduate students only)
Deadline: All Forms and Project Submissions are due no later than Friday, September 9, 11:59pm.
- This scholarship program is open to students entering/beginning the final year of their architectural studies program (undergraduate/graduate school/community college) in Maryland.
- Faculty sponsorship is required for all submissions
- Community college graduates enrolled in an undergraduate architecture program may apply.
- Participation is open to all eligible students at no charge.
- Students who submit to the FAR scholarship are encouraged to also submit to AIA Maryland Student Awards and vice versa.
- The student must be the sole author of the work which has been realized exclusively in an academic setting.
- Designs completed in a professional office are not eligible.
- The work can be a studio project, a competition, a self-directed project, or a graduate research/theory paper.
Scholarship Awards
All forms and file uploads will be completed in the FAR Scholarship Awards online submission portal. After creating an application, you may begin working on your forms and uploading the required files. You may save your work as you go and return to the site as often as needed, but all work must be completed and submitted by the submission deadline.
- Scholarship winners will be notified by email following the judging.
- Scholarship awards will be presented at the AIABaltimore Excellence in Design Awards on October 7, 2016 at The Accelerator Building, home to B-more Kitchen in Baltimore, MD.
- Everyone who submits will be given a free ticket to the awards ceremony.
Graduate Students
Two awards at $500 each (one for a design project and one for a research/theory paper)
Undergraduate Students
One award at $400
Community College
One award at $300*
* Community college graduates enrolled in an undergraduate architecture program may apply for the Community College Scholarship using a community college project.
Juror Citations
Up to six additional awards at $50 each
At the discretion of the jurors, Juror Citations will be granted to up to six projects. These citations allow the jurors to independently select any student piece that they personally wish to see recognized.
Faculty Sponsorship
Faculty sponsorship is required for all submissions. The student is to be identified and encouraged by a faculty sponsor who will attest that the student has met the eligibility requirements listed above.
Student submissions will be judged by a panel of Baltimore design professionals. All entries will be judged individually for their design excellence and for the success with which the project has met its individual requirements.
Winning Submissions
The Design Awards celebration will take place on October 7, 2016. Throughout the event a slide-show of all entries will be shown. During the awards ceremony, students, architects and clients will be recognized and award certificates and cash prizes will be presented.
WINNERS IN EACH CATEGORY WILL BE REQUIRED TO CREATE A PROJECT BOARD. Winning project boards will be on display at the awards event. The board will be printed at the cost of AIABaltimore using the board submitted by students as part of their Presentation PDF.
The drawings, photographs, and digital images of the winning project will be used for unrestricted publicity. Therefore, it is the entrant’s responsibility to clear all drawings, photographs, and digital images included in the submission for future re-use and reproduction by AIABaltimore. AIABaltimore will promote the winning projects on the AIABaltimore website, Design Awards Gallery website and in the Annual Directory. A Press Release will be sent to the local media.
Design Project Guidelines (Community College, Undergraduate, Graduate)
A complete submission for each project includes the following:
Completion of the online SUBMISSION FORM
PROJECT PDF (10MB, 16 pages max)
PRESENTATION PDF (6MB, 3 pages max)
IMAGE FILES (5-7 digital images w/captions and credits)
Conceal references to student’s name, sponsor’s name and accredited school on any part of the Project PDF. Identification of project authorship or school within the Project PDF will disqualify the submission. The Project PDF may be in landscape or portrait orientation at the entrant’s discretion with a page size of 8-1/2” x 11”, may not exceed 10MB total (all pages combined) or exceed 16 pages and shall conform to the following requirements:
Page 1: Project Description and Introduction
8 1/2″ x 11″ landscape or portrait orientation
Combination of Text and Images; 12 pt minimum font size; 1/2″ minimum margin on all sides, formatted and designed at entrant’s discretion.
Project information:
Project Name
Project Location (City, State, Country – if applicable)
Project Category (i.e., “Graduate Submission,” “Undergraduate Submission,” and either “Studio Project, “Competition” or “Self – Directed Project”) [i.e. Graduate Submission – Studio Project]
Project Synopsis (devoid of any identifying information such as school name or student) stating project description, requirements and design achievements.
Pages 2 – 15: Visuals
Include images along with additional succinct annotation, if desired. The format and design of the pages are at the entrant’s discretion.
Photographs/Drawings/Diagrams – up to 15 pages of images. Photos may be in color or black & white.
Submissions will describe an actual or imagined architectural project and may be from an individual or team. Exploration and innovation in design and presentation techniques are encouraged.
Submissions must include at least one hand-drawn image, or a collage of drawings/images on one page (hand drawings include formal and informal drawings, including travel sketches, concept sketches, presentation drawings, elevations, sections, perspectives and technical drawings).
Include any additional descriptive plans, sections, elevations and images of three-dimensional models to explain the design solution. These may be done by hand or by using computer software. Please add graphic scale to the plans. Every submission should clearly depict the relationship of the project to its site context. The goal should be to help jurors understand the qualities of your project as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Sketches can be presented in any medium. Drawings may be combined with photographs on a single page.
Label the Project PDF File in one of the following formats as it applies to the project:
SU1-2_Name of Project — (1st/2nd Year Undergrad submission)
SU3-4_Name of Project — (3rd/4th Year Undergrad submission)
SG5-6_Names of Project — (5th/6th Year Graduate submission)
[i.e., SU1-2_Center for Sustainable Construction.pdf]
Presentation PDF – 6 MB maximum size/3 pages
Selected images of all entries will be displayed during the Design Awards Celebration, and images of award-winning entries will be displayed during the Awards Ceremony. To facilitate display of your entry, select three images or pages from your entry that you feel best represent your project.
Download the PPT Template to prepare your Presentation PDF for the awards slideshow.
10″ x 7.5″ in landscape orientation and developed as a PDF presentation file.
Three pages maximum.
The total size of PDF—all three pages combined—may not exceed 6MB of data.
On each page add project title, student(s) name, school name, faculty sponsor, and logos or other identifiers as desired, formatted and designed at entrant’s discretion.
Label the Presentation PDF file in this format: SPPDF_Student Name_ProjectName.pdf [i.e., SPPDF_Joe Smith_Center for Sustainable Construction.pdf]
Image Files — 5-7 images/jpg/10 MB maximum per image (for publicity)
Provide no more than 7 images in JPG format (10MB max per image) for use in the presentation of entrants, awards and publications. The Jury will not see these files. Provide image file names, captions and credit for each image. Entrants will be required to reduce individual images that greatly exceed the 10MB maximum.
Graduate Research / Theory Paper Guidelines
A complete submission will include the following:
Submission Form (completed online – includes Faculty Sponsorship Statement, Student Statement, and Condition of Submission & Release)
Project Summary (150 words max, for publicity)
Project PDF (Your research/theory paper, 10 MB, 12 pages max)
Image Files (Diagrams, etc. If applicable)
Project PDF – Your Research/Theory Paper 10 MB maximum size / 13 pages max (judged)
Page 1 will be a 300 word abstract summarizing your paper.
Maximum length of 12 pages double-spaced; 10 point font + notes, and images or illustrations.
Conceal references to student’s name, sponsor’s name and accredited school. Identification of project authorship or school within the Project PDF will disqualify the submission.
Image Files – 1-7 images/JPG/ 10 MB maximum size (judged)
Include any diagrams/images you would like to be used for publicity purposes.
Please direct questions to AIABaltimore at zthomas@aiabalt.com or 410.625.2585 x104.
Click here to enter a project to the 2016 FAR Scholarship Awards!