October 16, 2023 / Chapter News and Notices

AIA Baltimore proposes bylaws changes





Existing Language

Article 8

(c) Quorum and Decisions at Annual Membership Meeting. Fifteen percent (15%) of full Members

and Associate Members in good standing at voting time. Decisions shall be by the

majority vote, including signed proxies in hand at the meeting. Roll call or written ballots

are permissible.

(g) Quorum and Decisions to Amend Chapter Bylaws and to Levy Assessments. Fifteen percent

(15%) of full Members and Associate Members in good standing at voting time.

Decisions shall be by 2/3 concurring vote, including signed proxies in hand at the

meeting. Roll call or written ballots are permissible. Resolutions shall set forth effective

dates of all amendments.


Proposed Amendment

Article 8

(c) Quorum and Decisions at Annual Membership Meeting. Ten percent (10%) of full Members

and Associate Members in good standing at voting time. Decisions shall be by the

majority vote, including signed proxies in hand at the meeting. Roll call or written ballots

are permissible.

(g) Quorum and Decisions to Amend Chapter Bylaws and to Levy Assessments. Ten percent

(10%) of full Members and Associate Members in good standing at voting time.

Decisions shall be by 2/3 concurring vote, including signed proxies in hand at the

meeting. Roll call or written ballots are permissible. Resolutions shall set forth effective

dates of all amendments.


In light of increased membership since the bylaws were updated in 2015, the proposed bylaws amendment seeks to reduce the percentage for decisions from membership from 15% to 10%. 




Existing Language

Article 1


“AIA” is The American Institute of Architects, Inc.

“Component” is a local organization of The American Institute of Architects, Inc.  specifically known as “Chapter,” State Society,” “Section,” or “Region.”

“BC/AIA” or “Chapter” is the Baltimore Chapter of The American Institute of Architects, Inc.

“AIA MD” is AIAMaryland, Inc.

“Regional Organization” is the Mid-Atlantic Region of The American Institute of  Architects, Inc. (MARC)

“He or “him” used in the text herein shall mean “he/she” or “him/her.”

Proposed Amendment

Article 1


“AIA” is The American Institute of Architects, Inc.

“Component” is a local organization of The American Institute of Architects, Inc.  specifically known as “Chapter,” State Society,” “Section,” or “Region.”

“BC/AIA” or “Chapter” is the Baltimore Chapter of The American Institute of Architects, Inc.

“AIA MD” is AIAMaryland, Inc.


The proposed bylaws amendment seeks to update definitions used in the bylaws by 1) eliminating reference to the Mid-Atlantic Region of The American Institute of Architects, Inc. (MARC), which no longer exists on the AIA National Board of Directors, and 2) eliminating reference to gender by replacing “he/she” and “him/her” with “they/them.” 



Existing Language

Article 4


The Chapter Board shall nominate representatives to run for election for the Mid-Atlantic  Region of the AIA to serve as members of the AIA Strategic Council in the manner prescribed by the AIA.

Proposed Amendment

Article 4


(a) The Chapter Board shall nominate representatives to run for election as a state representative to the AIA Strategic Council in the manner prescribed by the AIA.

(b) The Chapter President shall vote, along with Presidents from other components in the state, on the election of a state representative to the AIA Strategic Council in the manner prescribed by the AIA.


As AIA restructured the Board of Directors to eliminate regions, including the Mid Atlantic Regional Council, the proposed bylaw amendment seeks to align AIA Baltimore’s role in selecting a state  representative for the AIA Strategic Council to align with AIA National’s organizational structure.




Existing Language

Article 6

(a)   Member, with full privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD .

(b)  Member Emeritus, is relieved of personal Dues obligations from the AIA, the Chapter, and the AIA MD, but is obligated to pay Supplemental Dues to AIA MD if still in active practice.

(c)  Associate Member, with full privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the AIA, the Chapter, and the AIA MD .

(d) Intern Member with full privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD.

(e) Chapter Associate Member Emeritus, is relieved of the Dues obligation for the Chapter and AIA MD only.

(f) Student Affiliate, with limited privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the Chapter   and may also be a member of AIA MD, and AIA in the manner prescribed by each organization.  To be eligible for Student Affiliate membership, students must be a member of an AIAS chapter, if this exists at their institution.

(f) Chapter Allied Member, with limited privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the Chapter and may be a member of AIA MD  and of the AIA in the manner prescribed by each organization.

(g) Honorary Allied Member, is a classification granted by the Chapter to a person, generally a non-architect, in recognition of outstanding contributions or service to the profession or community.  There is no Dues obligation.  (The term “Honorary Member” is reserved for AIA use only and shall not be used by components.)

(h)  Suspension and Readmission of member classifications (a) and (b) and (c)are prescribed by AIA.  For all other classifications suspension or readmission shall be determined by the Board, as needed.


Proposed Amendment

Article 6


(a) Architect Member (AIA), with full privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD.

(b) Architect Member Emeritus, is relieved of regular or supplemental Dues obligations from the AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD.

(c) Associate Member (Assoc. AIA), with full privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD.

(d) Associate Member Emeritus, is relieved of regular or supplemental Dues obligations from AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD.

(e) Associate Member: New Graduate (Assoc. AIA), with full privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD.

(f) Associate Member: International (Int’l Assoc. AIA), with full privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD.

(g) Associate Member: International Emeritus, is relieved of regular or supplemental Dues obligations from the AIA, the Chapter, and AIA MD.

(h) Chapter Allied Member, with limited privileges and responsibilities, is a member of the Chapter and may be member of AIA MD and of the AIA in the manner prescribed by each organization.

(i) Honorary Allied Member, is a classification granted by the Chapter to a person, generally a non-architect, in recognition of outstanding contributions or service to the profession or community. There is no Dues obligation. (The term “Honorary Member” is reserved for AIA use only and shall not be used by components.)

(j) Suspension and Readmission of member classifications (a) and (b) and (c) are prescribed by AIA. For all other classifications suspension or readmission shall be determined by the Board, as needed.


The proposed bylaws amendment seeks to align Chapter membership designations with current AIA National membership designations by removing the Intern member and Student Affiliate member designations and including three Associate designations: New Graduate, International Associate, and International Associate Emeritus.