When: Thursday, June 04 / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Where: Virtual
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Categorized under: Partner Programs

How to Repair, Modify, Maintain, and Evaluate Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures (SEI Maryland Chapter)

1 AIA LU/HSW available

Presented by Kevin Pavuk
Manager, Strengthening Solutions – Structural Technologies, LLC

Course Summary:

This free webinar hosted by the Maryland Section of the Structural Engineering Institute discusses the latest design methodology and construction techniques for investigation, design, and challenges to anyone tasked with evaluating, repairing, modifying andmaintaining them.  This  seminar program clearly explains thecomplexities associated with investigation, repair and restoration  tasks and does so in a comprehensive yet easyto follow manner.  CommonProblems  inPost-Tensioned Concrete Structures, Common  Repair Strategies.  ConditionAssessment Process, Tools, and Safety Concerns.

To register, please visit: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUvcuiprTwpHdeK1Qvhx_hMZ7p_wZ4UmUXe