Floura Teeter President Joan Floura and Senior Associate Jeffrey Stump display the MDASLA Honor Award the firm received for the Intercounty Connector Project.
Baltimore, MD (April 19, 2016)— Baltimore-based Floura Teeter Landscape Architects worked on the Intercounty Connector (ICC)/MD 200 project that received an Honor Award in the general design category from the Maryland Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects (MDASLA). The award was announced at the MDASLA Awards Gala held Thursday, April 14 at the Governor Calvert House at the Historic Inns of Annapolis.
Under lead engineers Parsons and Jacobs, Floura Teeter was landscape architect for both the Intercounty Constructors team that worked on the first contract and the MD 200 Constructors team that worked on the second project contract for the Maryland State Highway Administration. Built to connect I-270 and US 1, the ICC is Maryland’s first all-electronic toll road.
Floura Teeter worked with an interdisciplinary team of biologists, environmentalists and engineers, putting in 10,000 manpower hours for the original design alone and designing seven miles of landscape, including 23 bridges. To respond to residents’ concerns about noise and traffic debris, Floura Teeter even went door to door, making field adjustments and planting revisions at households directly impacted by the construction.
A jury member from the Louisiana ASLA chapter called the design “brilliant” and said it “provides a template, case study, and example of an ecologically sensitive road corridor that all should study and follow.”
Release courtesy Floura Teeter